Preservation of Eliza Orzeszkowa's and Ludwik Zamenhof's historical and cultural heritage in Grodno and Bialystok

INSTYTUCJA ODPOWIEDZIALNA (the Lead Beneficiary): Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
PARTNER ze strony polskiej: dr hab. Anna Janicka, prof. UwB
ŹRÓDŁO FINANSOWANIA: Unia Europejska; Instytucja Zarządzająca: Ministerstwo Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
BUDŻET: 40 420 euro

The territory of Grodno and Bialystok are a part of multicultural and multilingual cross-border region. Many representatives of Polish culture and science such as Orzeszkowa, Mickiewicz, Zamenhof, etc. cannot be studied properly without taking into consideration Belarusian factor as they were born and lived in the territory of the present day Belarus. That is why the studies of the figures belonging to various cultures require joint effort of scientists from both Poland and Belarus. In accordance with the Programme priority, the present project aims at promoting cross-border region's culture and history by preserving and promoting Orzeszkowa's and Zamenhof's historical and litterary heritage and encouraging the development of cross-border tourism, as well as increasing the diversity and quality of existing tourist services.

The present project will join Belarusian and Polish researchers in order to bridge the gaps in the existing tourist services infrastructure. The project will have two main outputs which will improve considerably touristic life of Grodno and Bialystok by enriching cultural and touristic potential of Grodno, Bialystok and nearby territory and increasing the amount of tourist services provided at this cross-border region. The first output is the brand new tourist route "Orzeszkowa's life and work paths". It will connect all historically and culturally important places related to the Polish writer’s life in Grodno and Grodno region territory and ten information boards will be installed at the key points of the route. The route will be accompanied by a specially designed excursion available in three language versions (Belarusian, Polish and English). The second output will be already existing in Bialystok touristic route "Szlak esperanto i wielu kultur" (The Esperanto and Multicultural route) improved in the course of the project implementation. The improvement of the route will deal with the elaboration of a specially designed excursion available in three language versions (Belarusian, Polish and English) containing the facts that are presented now and the new facts determined by the research community. For both routes promotional materials such as fliers and information brochures will be published in the three languages versions in order to promote and sustain the results of the project.

All project results are durable for both partners and suitable for continuation after project closure. The developed routes as tourist products will be available for further use by guides and travel agencies upon request. The project results will also include some tangible objects: collection of research papers following international conference; booklets promoting the routes distributed at the last stage of the project implementation and some time after its closure; the electronic version of the booklet freely available on project web-site; information boards at the route key points; project web-site maintained for at least 5 years after the project closure.

Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014–2020


The Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine for 17 years supports development processes in the borderland of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine by co-financing diverse projects. All projects financed within the Programme are non-profit and contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of inhabitants of eastern Poland and western Ukraine and Belarus.

Each co-financed project shall demonstrate a strong cross-border effect, not only through established partnership between institutions, but above all thanks to the results of the activities and their positive impact on the border area and its inhabitants.

In the programming period 2014-2020, the Programme operates under the framework of the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), and responds to national and regional needs and addresses common challenges in a field of environment, culture, public health, safety and security. In terms of the budget, the Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine is the largest ENI CBC programme on the EU land borders, with over 170 M EUR granted to 167 projects.

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